Organic farming has advantages over conventional farming in terms of soil and water protection and biodiversity loss. This is due, among other things, to the absence of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. As a member of the advisory board of the "Gemeinsam Boden gut machen" (Making good ground together) project, I meet farmers every year who, through their organic farming practices, are making an active contribution to protecting the environment, improving our soils and protecting biodiversity. The initiative, run by the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (Naturschutzbund Deutschland/ NABU), recognizes farmers in Germany who are interested in converting to organic farming, or those who need support to increase their organically farmed area - both of which are usually economically critical phases for a farm. The awards and funds provided by companies such as Alnatura and REWE provide highly needed support during transformational phases with high organisational uncertainty. Since the start of the "Making good ground together" project, more than 90 farms with a total of approximately 17,000 hectares have converted to organic farming.