Journal articles

Busch, M., Herzig, C. 2024, Trust and control dynamics in buyer–supplier relationships: The case of organic honey certification in Cuba, Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility,


Busch, M., Mühlrath, D., Herzig, C., 2024, Fairness and trust in organic food supply chains, British Food Journal 126(2), 864-878. 

Campos Mühlenhoff, S., Herzig, C., Zöller, N., Bruns, C., 2024, Personal communication as a strategy to improve the quality of household organic waste – Does it work? results from a quasi-experimental study in Northern Hesse, Germany, Waste Management 182, 132-141.

Kissi, E., Herzig, C., 2024, Labour Relations and Working Conditions of Workers on Smallholder Cocoa Farms in Ghana, Agriculture and Human Values,  41, 109-120. 

Kissi, E., Herzig, C., 2024, The Implications of Governance Factors for Economic and Social Upgrading in Ghana’s Cocoa Value Chain, Agricultural and Food Economics 12(1). DOI: 10.1186/s40100-024-00295-w  

Küchler, R., Nicolai, B., Herzig, C. 2024, A novel sustainability management tool for small and medium-sized food manufacturers – advantages and improvement opportunities, management revue - Socio-Economic Studies 35(1), 35-65.

Tran, T., Burritt, R., Herzig, C., Christ, K., 2024, Material Flow Cost Accounting in Vietnam: A Multi-level Exploration, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, DOI: 10.1108/AAAJ-03-2022-5713. 

Borghoff, L.M., Strassner, C., Herzig, C., 2023, Processors' understanding of process quality: A qualitative interview study with employees of organic dairies in Germany and Switzerland, British Food Journal 125(8), 2949-2969.

Borghoff, L.M., Strassner, C., Herzig, C., 2023, Organic juice processing quality from the processors’ perspective: A qualitative study, Foods 12(2), 377.

Elsner, F., Herzig, C., Strassner, C., 2023, Agri-Food Systems in Sustainability Transition: A Systematic Literature Review on recent Developments on the Use of the Multi-Level Perspective, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7, 1207476. 

Godemann, J., Nguyen, B.-N. and Herzig, C., 2023, Business schools’ transformation towards sustainability: empirical insights from UN PRME signatories, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 24(8), 1813-1840.

Küchler, R., Nicolai, B.M., Herzig, C., 2023, Towards a sustainability management tool for food manufacturing SMEs – Insights from a Delphi study, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 30(2), 589-604.

Siebert, R., Herzig, C., Birringer, M., 2023, B'90/Grüne und Genome Editing – Biografische Konflikte und Collective Action Frames im Prozess um ein neues Grundsatzprogramm [B'90/Greens and Genome Editing - Biographical Conflicts and Collective Action Frames in the Process of a New Policy Statement], Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 1, 1-31.

Redecker, S.v., Herzig, C., 2023, Can nature speak? A peasant perspective on decolonizing the human-nature relationship through multispecies communication, From the European South - a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities 13, 22-38. 

Siebert, R., Herzig, C., Birringer, M., 2023,  B'90/Grüne und Genome Editing – Biografische Konflikte und Collective Action Frames im Prozess um ein neues Grundsatzprogramm (Alliance 90/ The Greens and Genome Editing - Biographical Conflicts and Collective Action Frames in the Process for a New Basic Programme), Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 1, 1-31.

Tran, T., Herzig, C., 2023, Blended case-based learning in a sustainability accounting course: An analysis of student perspectives, Journal of Accounting Education  63, 100842. 

Jost, S., Birringer, M., Herzig, C., 2022, Brokers, prestige and information exchange in the European Union’s functional food sector – A policy network analysis, Journal of Functional Foods (99), 105309. 

Mühlenhoff, S., Herzig, C., Bruns, C. Zöller. N., 2022, Aufbau eines Innovationsnetzwerkes zur Verbesserung der Kreislaufwirtschaft im ökologischen Landbau. Hemmnisse und Lösungsansätze entlang der Kompost-Wertschöpfungskette [Establishing an innovation network to improve the circular economy in organic farming. Obstacles and solutions along the compost value chain], Müll + Abfall 12, 109-114 


Siebert, R., Herzig, C., Birringer, M., 2022, Strategic framing of genome editing in agriculture: An analysis of the debate in Germany in the run-up to the European Court of Justice ruling, Agriculture and Human Values 39, 617-632. 

Stöhr, J., Herzig, C., 2022, Organic pioneers and the sustainability transformation of the German food market: A politically structuring actor perspective, British Food Journal 124(7), 2321-2342.

Ibraimo, J., Herzig, C., 2021, Reklamesammelbilder – von innovativer Vermarktungsstrategie über Massenmedium zur kolonialen Propaganda [Advertising collectors' pictures - from innovative marketing strategy via mass medium to colonial propaganda], Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie 69(2), 100-119.

Kasim, E., Stöhr, J., Herzig, C., 2021, Promoting Sustainable Palm Oil in Supply Chain Strategy: A Food Business Case Study, Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 16(3/4), 550-571.

Küchler, R., Herzig, C., 2021, Connectivity is key: Holistic sustainability assessment and reporting from the perspective of food manufacturers, British Food Journal 123(9), 3154-3171.

Tran, T., Herzig, C., 2021, Improving eco-efficient decision-making through Material Flow Cost Accounting: the case of VietGreen bottled mineral water company, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 25(1), 37-48.

Walkiewicz, J., Lay-Kumar, J., Herzig, C., 2021, The integration of sustainability and externalities into the "corporate DNA": A Practice-orientated approach, Corporate Governance - The International Journal of Business in Society, 21(3), 479-496.

Herzig, C., 2020, Über den Mehrwert reden. „Richtig rechnen“ in der Landwirtschaft aus sozial-praktischer Perspektive [Talking about added value. "Calculating correctly" in agriculture from a social-practical perspective], Lebendige Erde 2: 18-19.

Kissi, E. & Herzig, C., 2020, Methodologies for Understanding Labor Relations in Global Agricultural Production Networks: A Review, Journal of Development Studies 56(9), 1615-1637.

Redecker, S.v., Herzig, C., 2020, The peasant way of a more than radical democracy – the case of La Via Campesina, Journal of Business Ethics 164, 657-670.

Tran, T., Herzig, C., 2020, Material Flow Cost Accounting in Developing Countries: A Systematic Literature Review, Sustainability 12(13), 5413.

Burritt, R.L., Herzig, C., Schaltegger, S., Viere, T., 2019, Diffusion of environmental management accounting for cleaner production: evidence from some case studies [three food cases], Journal of Cleaner Production 224, 479-491.

Ghosh, B., Herzig, C., & Mangena, M., 2019, Controlling for sustainability strategies: findings from research and directions for the future, Journal of Management Control 30(1), 5-24.

Harris, E., Herzig, C., De Loo, I., Manochin, M., 2019, Management accounting and control for sustainability and strategic decision making, Journal of Management Control 30(1), 1-4.

Matheis, T.V. & Herzig, C., 2019, Upgrading products, upgrading work? Interorganizational learning in global food value chains to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 28(2), 126-134.

Siebert, R., Richter, I., Herzig, C. & Birringer, M., 2018, Genome Editing für die Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft [Genome editing for the agriculture and food industry], Ernährungs-Umschau 11, 639-647.

Herzig, C., Stöhr, J., 2017, Durchblick beim Thema Arbeitsbedingungen? [A clear view of working conditions?] Ökologie & Landbau 1/17, 12-15.

Grubnic, S., Herzig, C., Gond, J.-P., Moon, J., 2015, A New Era – Extending Environmental Impact to a Broader Sustainability Agenda: The Case of Commercial Group, Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 35(3), 176- 193 .

Godemann, J., Haertle, J., Herzig, C., Moon, J., 2014, United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education. Purpose, Progress and Prospects, Journal of Cleaner Production 62, 16-23.

Windolph, S.E., Schaltegger, S., Herzig, C., 2014, Implementing Corporate Sustainability: What drives the Application of Sustainability Management Tools in Germany? Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 5(4), 378- 404.

Beddewela, E., Herzig, C., 2013, Corporate Social Reporting by MNCs’ Subsidiaries in Sri Lanka [Food MNCs], Accounting Forum 37(2), 135-149.

Godemann, J., Bebbington, J., Herzig, C., Moon, J., 2013, Higher Education and Sustainable Development Exploring Possibilities for Organisational Change, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 27(2), 218-233.

Herzig, C., Moon, J., 2013, The Financial Sector, Economic Crisis and Recession: Discourses of Corporate Social Ir/Responsibility, Journal of Business Research 66(10), 1870-1880. 

Schaltegger, S., Hörisch, J., Herzig, C., 2013, Methodische Operationalisierung unternehmerischer Nachhaltigkeit. Methodenbekanntheit, -anwendung und förderpolitische Implikationen [Methodological operationalisation of corporate sustainability. Method awareness, application and funding policy implications], Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht und Umweltpolitik 36(1), 87-115.

Gond, J.-P., Grubnic, S., Herzig, C., Moon, J., 2012, Configuring Management Control Systems: Theorising the Integration of Strategy and Sustainability, Management Accounting Research 23(3), 205- 223.

Nayir, D.Z., Herzig, C., 2012, Value orientations as determinants of preference for external and anonymous whistleblowing, Journal of Business Ethics 107(2), 197-213.

Schaltegger, S., Windolph, S., Herzig, C., 2012, Applying the known. A longitudinal analysis of the knowledge and application of sustainability management tools in large German companies, Society and Economy 34(4), 549-579.

Herzig, C., Godemann, J., 2010, Internet-Supported Sustainability Reporting: Developments in Germany, Management Research Review 33(11), 1064-1082.

Burritt, R.L., Herzig, C., Tadeo, B.D., 2009, Environmental Management Accounting for Cleaner Production: The Case of a Philippine Rice Mill, Journal of Cleaner Production 17(4), 431-439 

Herzig, C., Schaltegger, S., 2005, Unternehmerische Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung. Entwicklungen und europäische Trends [Corporate Sustainability Reporting. Developments and European Trends], Die Information 118, 10-24.