Textbooks and chapters 

Herzig, C., Stöhr, J., Busch, M., 2024, Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie in Hessen. Ein Service Learning Seminar für verantwortungsvolles und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften [The Economy for the Common Good in Hesse. A service learning seminar for responsible and sustainable business], Wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftliche Praxisstudien zur nachhaltigen Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, Vol. 5, in preparation.

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Topics: Teaching concept and evaluation of the first service learning seminar on the economy for the common good conducted in Hesse, presentation of the seven common good balance sheets and reports of companies from the agricultural and food sector (primary production, processing, direct marketing, out-of-home catering) that were developed in the service learning seminar.

Herzig, C., (2023): Reporting, Materiality and Corporate Sustainability, in Rasche, A., Morsing, M., Moon, J., Kourula, A., Eds., Corporate Sustainability: Managing Responsible Business in a Globalised World, Cambridge University Press, 334-369.

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Textbook Chapter

Topics: Historical development of sustainability reporting, country- and industry-specific dissemination, mandatory and voluntary reporting, Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), reporting principles (GRI), Integrated Reporting (IR), counter-reporting. Description of further teaching materials, publications and learning questions.

Gruber, K., Herzig, C., Keller, M. (2023): Nachhaltiges Veranstaltungsmanagement. Grundlagen, Handlungsfelder, Beispiele [Sustainable Event Management], utb, 281 pages.

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Textbook Chapter

Topics: Concepts and instruments for sustainable event management, with a focus on sustainable catering, guidelines and tools for 12 relevant areas (resource management, participation, education for sustainable development, inclusion, etc.), practical examples, media and internet links, self-exercise questions.

Herzig, C., Ghosh, B., 2024, Sustainability Reporting, in Moltan-Hill, P., Ed., Sustainable Management. A Complete Guide for Faculty and Students, 3rd ed., Routledge, 175-204.

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Textbook Chapter

Topics: Development of sustainability reporting, reporting standards, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), reporting principles (GRI), Integrated Reporting (IR), counter-reporting, online reporting, incl. materials and multimedia links. Description of three seminar units based on a critical review of the Sustainable Living Plan and the sustainability reporting of the food manufacturer Unilever.

Herzig, C., Pianowski, M., 2022, Betriebliche Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung [Corporate Sustainability Reporting], in Pape, J., Baumast, A., (Hrsg.): Betriebliches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement, 2nd ed., utb, 275-304.

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Textbook chapter

Topics: Historical development and forms of sustainability reporting, online reporting, case study of the German baby food manufacturer Hipp GmbH & Co. Vertrieb KG.

Herzig, C., Godemann, J., 2022, Unternehmensführung und -kommu­nikation [Corporate leadership and communication], in Wachendorf, M., Buerkert, A., Graß, R., Eds., Ökologische Landwirtschaft [Organic agriculture], utb, 2nd ed., 262-273. 

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Textbook chapter

Topics: Trust building and risks in the organic sector, organic food labeling, organisational and institutional trust, overview of sustainability assessment approaches in the agri-food sector (incl. SMART, RISE).

Herzig, C., Hamm, U., Zander, K., 2022, Internationaler Handel mit Öko-Produkten [International trade of organic products], in Wachendorf, M., Buerkert, A., Graß, R., Eds., Ökologische Landwirtschaft [Organic agriculture], utb, 2nd ed., 262-273. 

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Textbook chapter

Topics: Developments and problems in international trade of organic products, advantages and disadvantages of cultivation and export for organic farmers in the Global South, import and export data, traceability, ecological footprint.

Herzig, C., Viere, T., Schaltegger, S., Burritt, R.L., 2012, Environmental Management Accounting. Case Studies in South East-Asian Companies, Routledge. 

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Topics: Application of environmental accounting methods (environmental cost accounting, external environmental costs, environmental investment accounting, life cycle assessment, etc.), explained on the basis of 12 individual case studies (including food processing, brewery, coffee production, rice milling industry, shrimp farming). Book review published in: Accounting Forum.