Modules for various programmes
I have been teaching modules on sustainable business for more than 20 years. I designed and offered modules across disciplines for a range of degree programmes including Sustainable Food Economy (M.Sc.), Food Economics (M.Sc.), Agricultural and Resource Economics (M.Sc.), Oecotrophology (B.Sc., M.Sc.), International Food Business and Consumer Studies (M.Sc.), Sustainable Food Systems (M.Sc.), Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.), Agricultural Sciences / Organic Agricultural Sciences (B.Sc., M.Sc.), Environmental and Sustainability Science (B.Sc., M.Sc.), Management Studies (B.A., M.Sc.), International Business (M.Sc.), Managing International Operations (M.Sc.), Accounting and Finance (B.A., M.Sc.), Corporate Social Responsibility (M.Sc., MBA, Executive), and Sustainability Management (MBA).
Directing programmes
I am currently Programme Director of the MSc in Sustainable Food Economics (in German) at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, where we welcome every semster new students enthusiastic about food, business, and sustainability.
Prior to this, I had the opportunity to lead two Master programmes at the University of Kassel, namely MSc International Food Business and Consumer Studies (together with Fulda University of Applied Sciences) and the European double degree MSc programme Sustainable Food Systems (together with ISARA Lyon, Arhus, Ghent and a few other European universities). During my time in the UK, I was also Programme Director of the then MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility at the University of Nottingham.
Problem-based learning in projects
Identifying and solving real-life problems in cooperation between university and society requires knowledge, action and design competencies as well as creativity and problem awareness in equal measure. At the University of Kassel, I coordinated the programme "Project Studies for a Sustainable University". It was open to students of all disciplines who wanted to work on an environmental or sustainability problem in their own institutional setting. We funded projects that run across several semesters and were designed for high interaction in small groups to develop solutions to the organisational or social problem. Some of the seminars are published in our book "Sustainability on campus. Projects, concepts and impulses for sustainable teaching" (oekom, in German).